Monday, April 7, 2014

Email mailing list to blog

It's been several years since I distributed a regular email entitled "What I Am Currently Reading" to friends of mine.  I have decided to recreate it as a blog.

In addition to my current reading list, entries will likely include plays that I have recently seen,  and commentary on both plays and books that I have recently read or seen.

I am undertaking (anew) a project to read all of Shakespeare.  In conjunction with reading the plays, I will also attempt to see at least one film or staged production of each play.

My reading list now looks like this, in order of most actively being read to least actively being read:

Charles Dickens, Bleak House.
Constance Reid, The Search for E. T. Bell, also known as John Taine.
Constance Reid, From Zero to Infinity.
Wilfred Sellers, Science, Perception, and Reality.
Margorie Garber, Shakespeare After All.
Sam Harris, The Moral Landscape.